In order to check your vehicle detail, please enter a valid vehicle number. In the case of application tracking, you have to provide the application number and chassis number of the vehicle.
Users only need to enter the vehicle's registration number into MTMIS Punjab to get information about it. The verification method is quick and easy to use and user’s friendly
⦁ Vehicle Verification
⦁ Application Tracking
MTMIS Punjab provides various details about registered vehicles. Here are the typical Vehicle Verification details available through MTMIS Punjab.
You can verify the registration status of a vehicle, including the registration number, registration date, and expiry date.
You may be able to access the name and contact details of the registered owner of the vehicle.
You may be able to access the name and contact details of the registered owner of the vehicle.
Information about the make and model of the vehicle should be available.
You can often verify the engine number of the vehicle, helping ensure that they match the information provided in the vehicle's documents.
You can check whether the vehicle owner has paid the required token tax, which is a form of road tax.
The system may provide information about the amount of token tax due or paid for the vehicle.
Some systems may provide information about the color of the vehicle.
You can find out whether the vehicle is a car, motorcycle, truck, or another type of vehicle.
You might be able to access information about the application and current application status.
You can now check vehicle price through this site.
MTMIS now introduce new feature to track your application status just by entering the application number and chassis number.
Following are details available for application tracking.
You can get information regarding vehicle owner details whick is owner name and father/husband name
Through Application tracking you can now check the biometric details , application and phase status of vehicle
You can also get information about vehicle detail such as engine number, year of manufacture and make and model of vehicle.